Masked and lake ducks

With the occurence of the Lake Duck it is time to show the differences with the Masked Duck, two stiff-tailed ducks. Both males and females of these species are look-alikes. As far as their habits go two things to take into account. Lake Ducks tend to keep their tail cocked up more often than Masked Ducks. Secondly, Lake Ducks are found in open spaces whereas Masked Ducks are more secretive and stay hiding in the vegetation.
Masked Duck
Nomonyx dominicus
Masked Duck
17-10-15 © J. Simón Tagtachian
Bill light blue bill with black tip.
Black mask.
White eyering.
Black markings on chestnut upperparts
Lake Duck
Oxyura vittata
Lake Duck
17-08-15 © Sergio Cusano
Bill blue.
Black hood.
Lacks white eyering.
Uniform chestnut upperparts
Masked Duck
Nomonyx dominicus
Masked Duck
18-06-16 © Dolores Fernández
Two white lines on face
Lake Duck
Oxyura vittata
Lake Duck
04-08-06 © Roberto Ares
Only one subocular line on face