Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur

Sitio realizado por aficionados a la observación de aves desde 10 de enero 2006

Two tyrannulets alike

As far as its aspect goes there is not much to say. The differences are so minute that are difficult to see: the White-crested Tyrannulet is cm longer than the Straneck's on average and the Straneck's crown has no or not as much white as the White-crested Tyrannulet. The two useful clues for identification are the season and their voices. So the worst situation is in winter and in silence.
According to Alberto Gurni these species behave differently. The White-crested Tyrannulet is much more restless than the Straneck's Tyrannulet.

PIOJITO TRINADORSerpophaga griseicapillaPiojito trinador/Stranecks's Tyrannulet© Carlos González LedoWinter visitor© Cora Rimoldi
PIOJITO COMÚNSerpophaga subcristataPiojito común/White-crested Tyrannulet© Claudia y Tito Di MauroAll year round© José Luis Merlo