The Month of the Birds has come. Let's gather birds to build the Big Picture

Bay-winged Cowbird

Silver Teal

Rosy-billed Pochard M

White-winged Coot

Yellow-billed Teal

House Wren

Coscoroba Swan

Common Gallinule

Spot-flanked Gallinule

Chalk-browed Mockingbird

Rock Pigeon

Vermilion Flycatcher H

Nanday Parakeet

Eared Dove

Rufous-bellied Thrush

Narrow-billed Woodcreeper

Glittering-bellied Emerald M

Green-barred Woodpecker M

Spot-winged Pigeon

Black-and-rufous Warbling-Finch

Great Grebe

Ringed Teal H

Ringed Teal M

Pied-billed Grebe

Masked Duck

Golden-billed Saltator

Creamy-bellied Thrush

Red-gartered Coot

Lake Duck M

White-tufted Grebe

Fulvous Whistling-Duck

Red-crested Cardinal

Giant Wood-Rail

Grey-necked Wood-Rail

Vermilion Flycatcher M

White-rumped Swallow

Bank Swallow

White-crested Tyrannulet

Shiny Cowbird H

Unicoulored Blackbird M

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl

Cattle Tyrant

White-lined Tanager M


Bran-coloured Flycatcher

Double-collared Sparrow

Spectacled Tyrant M

Masked Gnatcatcher M

Yellow-billed Cardinal

Picazuro Pigeon

Rufous Hornero

Wattled Jacana

Solitary Black Cacique

Shiny Cowbird M

Hooded Siskin M

Great Kiskadee

Green-barred Woodpecker H

Guira Cuckoo

Buff-winged Cinclodes

Maguari Stork

Variable Oriole

Great Pampa-Finch

Rufous-sided Crake

Barn Swallos

Southern Caracara

Grey-breasted Martin

Checkered Woodpecker H

European Starling

Yellow-browed Tyrant

Saffron Finch H

Saffron Finch M

Blue-and-yellow Tanager M

Rufescent Tiger-Heron

Red-fronted Coot

Harris's Hawk

White-faced Whistling-Duck

Spectacled Tyrant H

Rosy-billed Pochard H

Brown-chested Martin

Southern Lapwing

Euler's Flycatcher

Masked Gnatcatcher H

Double-collared Seedeater M

Tropical Kingbird

Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet

Streaked Flycatcher

White-banded Mockingbird

Sayaca Tanager

White-tipped Plantcutter F

Warbling Doradito

Small-billed Elaenia

Greyish Saltator

Green-winged Saltator

Many-coloured Rush Tyrant

Grassland Sparrow

Spotted Sandpiper

Snowy-crowned Tern

Whistling Heron

Sooty Tyrannulet

Masked Yellowthroat M

Unicoloured Blackbird M

Yellow-chevroned Parakeet

Plumbeous Rail

House Sparrow M

Masked Duck F

Campo Flicker

Checkered Woodpecker M

Chotoy Spinetail

Bay-capped Wren-Spinetail

Green Kingfisher

Spot-winged Pigeon

Yellow-chinned Spinetail

Scrub Blackbird

Wren-like Rushbird

Neotropic Cormorant

Double-collared Seedeater F

Sooty-fronted Spinetail

Chimango Caracara

Kelp Gull

Snail Kite

Black-crowned Night-Heron

Red-eyed Vireo

White-faced Ibis

Great Egret

Monk Parakeet

Roadside Hawk

Black-headed Duck M

Swainson's Flycatcher

Scarlet-headed Blackbird

Unicoloured Blackbird M

Unicoloured Blackbird F

Blue-and-yellow Tanager F

White-browed Blackbird M

White-browed Blackbird F

Hooded Siskin F

Brazilian Teal M

Brazilian Teal F

Snowy Egret

White-eyed Parakeet

Freckle-breasted Thornbird

Golden-crowned Warbler

Glaucous-blue Grosbeak M

Ash-coloured Cuckoo

House Sparrow F

Chilean Swallow

Brown-hooded Gull

White-winged Becard M

Striated Heron

Mourning Sierra-Finch F

Least Grebe

Black-capped Warbling-Finch

Gilded Sapphire

Spotted Rail