Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur

Sitio realizado por aficionados a la observación de aves desde 10 de enero 2006

White-tipped Plantcutter - Phytotoma rutila

Order: Passeriformes (Suboscines) - Family: Cotingidae Habitat: Woods and bushland

When the White-tipped Plantcutter was changed into the family Cotingidae (formerly it belonged to Phytotomidae) it became the southernmost cotinga along with Rufous-tailed Plantcutter Phytotoma rara. It is a winter visitor. Visitante invernal en la reserva. Adult females are more frequent than adult males.
All records since January 2014
Adult male
CortarramasMJ/White-tipped PlantcutterJM© Pablo Serur
Crest. Orange reddish iris. Broad forehead and underparts, rufous. Brown tail white-tipped on outer rectrices. Brown wings with white bands on coverts
Cortarramas/White-tipped Plantcutter© J. Simón Tagtachian
Cortarramas/White-tipped Plantcutter© Claudia y Diego Bastías
Adult female
Cortarramas/White-tipped Plantcutter© J. Simón Tagtachian
Brownish. Light streaking on upperparts. Dark streaking on underparts Cortarramas/White-tipped Plantcutter© J. Simón Tagtachian
Cortarramas/White-tipped Plantcutter© Sergio Cusano
Juvenile male changing into adult plumage
Cortarramas JM/White-tipped Plantcutter JM© Claudia y Diego Bastías Cortarramas/White-tipped Plantcutter© Hugo Aguilar
Cortarrams/White-tipped Plantcutter© J. Simón Tagtachian Cortarramas/White-tipped Plantcutter© Pablo Alberto Meoniz
Cortarramas/White-tipped Plantcutter© J. Simón Tagtachian
It feeds on leaves, buds and flowers
Cortarramas/White-tipped Plantcutter© José Alberto Lell Cortarramas/White-tipped Plantcutter© J. Simón Tagtachian
More photographic records since January 2013