Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur

Sitio realizado por aficionados a la observación de aves desde 10 de enero 2006

Brochures and Boards

Recopilation of brochures or material handed at the reserve

Monthly Bulletin August 1st, 1994
boletín mensual
Clic to go to Bulletin. The first column of the second page must have been erased with the pass of time
Material provided by Javier Ubiría

Brochure early 1990
Folleto 1990 JU
Clic to go to the brochure
Material provided by Javier Ubiría


Arpox 2003
Material provided by Adrián Nirich


Material provided by Adrián Nirich

Folleto 2006

Folleto 2006

Folleto 2006

Folleto 2006
Aprox 2006
Material provided by Adrián Nirich


Late '80
Material provided by Adrián Nirich

Old bird list (24-4-1994)
Listado de aves JU
First sheet of an old bird list of RECS (species recorded from 1984 till Oct. 1993). It was handed at the Visitors' Center (Brasil Access).
Author: Adriana Ruidíaz.
To see the whole document clic on sheet.
Material provided by Javier Ubiría

Folleto tríptico

folleto tríptico
Material aportado por el Lic. Sergio Recio, primer Director General de la Reserva Ecológica
Este folleto mostraba la cartelería instalada. Cada uno de estos paneles eran carteles distribuidos por el predio como se muestra en la foto inferior.
Cartel interpretativo
Material provided by Mlg Claudio Bertonatti, General Director of the Ecological Reserve

folleto1 frente

folleto1 envés
Material provided by Lic. Sergio Recio, First Operational Director of the Ecological Reserve

First boards at the RECS
primeras cabañas en años 80Late 80's
Material provided by Lic. Sergio Recio, First Operational Director of the Ecological Reserve
primeras cabañas en años 80_1Late 80's
Material provided by Lic. Sergio Recio, First Operational Director of the Ecological Reserve
primeros carteles 1Hacia fines de los 80
Material provided by Lic. Sergio Recio, First Operational Director of the Ecological Reserve
primeras cabañas en años 80_2Late 80's
Material provided by Lic. Sergio Recio, First Operational Director of the Ecological Reserve
Cartel de ingreso - construcción de las cabañas actuales a mediados de los 90Mid 90's
Material provided by Lic. Sergio Recio, First Operational Director of the Ecological Reserve