Licking the air

Black-and-white tegu lizard
31-01-14 © J. Simón Tagtachian
Black-and-white tegu lizard
31-01-14 © J. Simón Tagtachian
Black-and-white tegu lizard
31-01-14 © J. Simón Tagtachian
Lizards and snakes have evolved a very particular form of smelling scents. They use their tongue. As the tongue is taken out of the mouth it gets loaded with odour particles. To process them it is neccessary for them to take them to the Jacobson's organ which is on the top of the roof of the mouth. So in goes the tongue. Once the receptors of this organ get in touch with molecules they send the information to the brain. This refined way of smelling the environment serves other purposes as well, identify prey, choose mates, recognize kin, etc. That's way the regular movement of the tongue in and out of the mouth. Here the lizard was in the small garden at the Viamonte hut where there were lots of Pindo palm fruits Syagrus romanzoffiana scattered on the grass. Licking the air it chooses which to eat.