Glittering-bellied emerald in a predicament

Norberto heard the desperate screamings of the juvenile emerald. It was caught in the resistent spiderweb of the Trichonephila (one of the most resistent among the arachnids). The web was big. The hummingbird very small and light. It could not have freed by its own means. When we detected the presence of the spider (unluckily out of frame) 20 cm away, Norberto rushed to rescue the hummingbird. His prompt action lasted a few seconds. He swiped it off and released it. The emerald was exhausted and shocked. It stayed in his hand till it recovered and flew off.

The "bad" spider was about to kill the "good" hummingbird. I did not intend to interfere in a natural process, though it seems apparently cruel and merciless. The observer must watch without interfering. Again the eternal game between life and death. The prey's death which means the predator's life. The web got destroyed during the realease of the emerald and the spider was dragged to the ground. As we all know, there are species which are ill-famed: spiders, snakes, owls, sharks and the list goes on. © Javier Ubiría
Glittering-bellied Emerald
11-02-12 © Javier Ubiría
Glittering-bellied Emerald
11-02-12 © Javier Ubiría
The golden silk orbweaver builds a big spiderweb to capture preys. The females are easier to spot than males both because females are far bigger than males and because of their habit of sitting in the middle of the spiderweb. The female of the left photo is not the abovementioned. In the right photo a female and a male.This spider's records have been increasing in the last years in the reserve.
Golden Silk Orbweaver
28-01-16 © Gustavo F. Brahamian
Golden Silk Orbweaver
25-03-17 © Ricardo Palonsky